Science System Advisory Group
The Science System Advisory Group has been established by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to provide advice to the government on strengthening the science, innovation and technology system. Group members will consider challenges and aspirations of the many components of the sector, and its structure, productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. A two-part report will be developed, with the first part delivered end of June, and the second end of October 2024. The first part will focus on determining principles for the sector moving ahead and providing preliminary advice and recommendations. The second will provide final recommendations and advice on longer-term changes to ensure the future success of the science system in New Zealand.
The advice and options to improve the impact and effectiveness of the system will be provided to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Topics the Group may focus on include institutional arrangements, funding mechanisms, priorities and processes, advanced tech and commercialisation, workforce, and the Government as a commissioner, funder, and user of science.
The Group will not be providing advice on the Research and Development Tax Incentive, as a statutory review is mandated for the coming calendar year, or the planned Gene Technology Regulator.
Separately, the University Advisory Group has been established to investigate issues and aspirations of the university sector. The University Advisory Group will also be chaired by Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, who will ensure coordination between the two Groups as appropriate.
Terms of reference (PDF 260kb)
The Science System Advisory Group will proceed in several phases with submissions sought during each phase.
Phase 1 submissions will consider high-level sectoral questions that consider the role of science and innovation in New Zealand to inform the interim report.
Phase 2 will focus on operational details (e.g. funding tools and mechanisms, workforce, infrastructure etc.), broader aspects of the science and innovation system and the many elements of the science and innovation system.